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Re: Login Problem: ls -la fails

It seems that you either do not have LS command at all or it is not in path. Log file can be useful.

Login Problem: ls -la fails

my WinSCP2 works pretty fine w/CygWin concerning plain login. But that's about it. First of all, I had the group lookup problem, which I could solve by unchecking the 'lookup groups' button. This I guess was quite logical on a Win98 System w/no support for groups and file permissions and so on. But then WinSCP was unable to run 'ls -la':
Command "ls -la"

failed with return code 127 and error message
/bin/bash: line 31: ls: command not found.

I checked out this site and found a possible solution, which did not help. Changed the bash to 'bin/sh' didn't work and the CR/LF neither. Do you have any idea what could be wrong w/my setup?
