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Topic review


This would definitely be very helpful.

Re: Allow S3 connection with IAM role instead of credentials

Thanks for your suggestion.
Quick research did not get me any information on the API needed to implement this. Will have to look into this deeper later.
And we will see, if more people ask for this.

Re: Allow S3 connection with IAM role instead of credentials

Exactly! And the feature request is to be able to use AWS Role instead of Profile.

Allow S3 connection with IAM role instead of credentials

When S3 connection runs on AWS instance (called EC2), it is best practice to *not* use the credentials but use instance profile instead. Unfortunately, this scenario is not supported in WinSCP – it requires the user to enter Access and Secret Keys. CLI command would look the same:
aws s3 cp example.txt s3://bucket/examples/
without requiring credentials

It would be really nice to not require the user to enter credentials!

Thank you

UPDATE: Sorry, while I wrote correctly in the subject of the post, I should have said instance role rather than instance profile. Sorry for the confusion