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Re: Application launched to open file was closed to early.

martin wrote:

You can change the default action to "edit" and configure "editors" for pdf and images.

Or you can make the "early close" interval shorter (or even zero). You need to change following registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\Configuration\Interface\Editor\EarlyClose

That did the trick, thanks.

Great software by the way, second to none for SFTP use.

Re: Application launched to open file was closed to early.

You can change the default action to "edit" and configure "editors" for pdf and images.

Or you can make the "early close" interval shorter (or even zero). You need to change following registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\Configuration\Interface\Editor\EarlyClose

Application launched to open file was closed to early.

I keep a lot of .txt notes on a remote server and I'm using Winscp to go through them with just a simple double click. Default double click operation is Open instead of Edit since sometimes I go through .pdf's or images. Now the problem is if I close the viewer (external editor notepad.exe for example) in less then 3 to 4 seconds I get the warning message "file was closed to early". If I view the file for more then 4 seconds and close notepad.exe I no longer get the warning. Sometimes I just need a quick view of a note so this warning message coming up all the time is really annoying. Is there anyway to get around this?