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Re: trying to connect using "passive mode" (or otherwise)

You can setup SSH tunnel thru the port 80, if the remote server allows you to do so.

trying to connect using "passive mode" (or otherwise)

martin wrote:

Are you sure that your host allows SFTP/SCP access?

I have the same problem - it's not the host that's the issue, it's the local network security. VPN intercepts all traffic on all ports except 80. Any ideas on how to work in that environment?

Are you sure that your host allows SFTP/SCP access?

Okay, because I can't connect to my web host, and the support tells me that I should change to passive mode, and then it would work.

Re: Passive mode

"Passive mode" is term from FTP protocol. It has no meaning for SFTP/SCP. But the way SFTP/SCP works resembles more passive mode of FTP then the active mode.

Passive mode

How do I set my client to passive mode?