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Re: SslSessionReuse - no option to set this by default?

I do not know how exactly is WinSCP .NET assembly integrated to the BizTalk. How do you specify your session details in BizTalk?

Btw, the SslSessionReuse IN enabled by default in WinSCP. What are you trying to achieve exactly?

SslSessionReuse - no option to set this by default?


I am currently using the component as a BizTalk receive port.
Meaning I need the wrapper winscpnet.dll and winscp.exe in the BizTalk process directory.

Is there any way, to have the component use SslSessionReuse by default.
I can't seem to find any way around this, since I am not in control on how the dll are executed.

So is it possible by including an "ini" file, or registry setting to make this happen?