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Re: Access Windows Network Share with UNC Path

What are you trying to achieve? Files on a network share can be accessed directly, you do not need (and you cannot actually) to use WinSCP .NET assembly for that.
Alex B

Access Windows Network Share with UNC Path

I'm trying to access a network share by UNC path, formatted \\server\directory. I am able to browse to this network share in Windows Explorer. I have a Active Directory user with access to that account. SessionOptions are as follows:
Protocol = Protocol.Scp,
HostName = _networkShareUNC,
UserName = _networkShareUserame,
Password = _networkSharePassword,
GiveUpSecurityAndAcceptAnySshHostKey = true

1. When attempting to open the session, I'm getting the error:
Host "<my-UNC-path>" does not exist

2. I don't know what Protocol to use.

Thanks in advance!