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Re: AWS S3 Bucket in eu-south-1 region not accessible

Can you access that bucket using any other S3 client? Or AWS CLI? If you can, please post their log file.

AWS S3 Bucket in eu-south-1 region not accessible

Hello everybody,
for 1 month that when I connect to the S3 bucket on the eu-south-1 region I get the following error:
The eu-south-1 location constraint is incompatible for the region specific endpoint this request was sent to.
Dettagli extra: RequestId: 7B23A3WFWDYYP11H, HostId: X8ELmjWEXO2X/VBpUBGhVWqYlqrUcHf4qV5A8794wAaMrSECsS7fhLvyC6REFlGS5fGgcMnjzK4=

it doesn't happen to me with the buckets present on eu-west-1.
I am attaching the session logs below. WinSCP version 5.21
For any questions I'm here.
Thanks a lot to everyone.

ps I'm using the translator