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The question is still not answered

Can anyone specify the latest version that works in XP 32 bit legacy? Current portable download says it is not a valid win32 application.


Yes it will work on 32 bit OS

Re: Last version that runs on XP / Server 2003 (32 Bits)?

As you have found out meanwhile, on old versions of Windows, you need to use the "Portable executables" download:

Last version that runs on XP / Server 2003 (32 Bits)?

Hi there

Due to several reasons, i still use Windows Server 2003 (no R2) 32 Bits for some special applications.

Question: Most current version WinSCP-5.17.10-Setup.exe does not; which one is the last version that does?

I get a message when i start the installer: " ... is not a valid Win32 application"

But i WinSCP is only available in a 32 bits but not in a 64 bits version. Maybe i'm wrong with that. (???)

Before i used WinSCP-5.13.8-Setup.exe, and that was working.

Thank you very very much for your feedbacks!! :-)

With kind regards from Switzerland,