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GetFile fails with "Operation not supported."

Hi all
Trying to get a file from a remote directory.
I got the file through a .ListDirectory call.
The RemoteFileInfo object is correctly filled with all the necessary info (especially .FullName).

When I do
If ftpsession.FileExists(FileWithFullPath) Then
    Dim rs As Stream = ftpsession.GetFile(FileWithFullPath)
End If

I get an exception "Operation not supported." If I look at the log, I can see the same thing:

< 2020-09-08 09:27:19.542 250-Start of list for /path/file.pdf
< 2020-09-08 09:27:19.542 modify=20160208095740;perm=adfrw;size=93612;type=file;unique=FC00U1B800022;;UNIX.mode=0777;UNIX.owner=0; /CACHEDEV1_DATA/path/file.pdf
< 2020-09-08 09:27:19.542 250 End of list
. 2020-09-08 09:27:19.542 modify=20160208095740;perm=adfrw;size=93612;type=file;unique=FC00U1B800022;;UNIX.mode=0777;UNIX.owner=0; /CACHEDEV1_DATA/path/file.pdf
. 2020-09-08 09:27:19.542 Retrieving file information successful
. 2020-09-08 09:27:19.542 file.pdf;-;93612;2016-02-08T09:57:40.000Z;3;"0" [0];"100" [0];rwxrwxrwx;1
< 2020-09-08 09:27:19.542 Script: Operation not supported.
. 2020-09-08 09:27:19.543 Script: Failed

What am I missing?