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Re: Empty listing when changing to root directory

In SFTP, the slash is a path separator. That imo kind of means that a slash is not allowed in file/folder names.

Re: Empty listing when changing to root directory

Hi martin,

thanks for your reply.
I did not find any useful hint within the RFCs, weather trailing slashes in file or path names are allowed or not.
So would you agree that trailing slashes should be avoided anyway (best practice) to increase server/client interoperability?

Best regards

Re: Empty listing when changing to root directory

Yes, the slashes are indeed what causes the problem.

Empty listing when changing to root directory

I am using a SFTP server based on WolfSSH that has been ported to a third party embedded operating system.
When using WinSCP v5.19 and earlier, listing the root directory (Open directory => /) successfully displayed a list of available drives (A:, B:, etc.). After updating to WinSCP v5.21 (and above), the displayed list is empty.

After some investigation I found out that the SFTP server's read directory response contains file names with trailing slashes / (e.g. A:/). When I remove these trailing slashes, listing the root directory works as expected with WinSCP v5.19, v5.21 and above.
What is or might be the reason for the different behavior of v5.19 and v5.21?
In the bug tracker I found Bug 2016 that might be the cause for the different behavior.

Thank you in advance and
best regards