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Trouble getting my SSIS package to work post deployment

PLEASE NOTE I have got it working on one my servers now have 3 days of trial and error so it seems I need the exact version (same file and product version) on both my local machine and the server for it to work. So I am verifying this on another machine.

I am getting a Target of an Invocation error post deployment which I believe is due to SSIS not using the library from the GAC so have I configured it incorrectly. I was able to install into the GAC on my machine as per instructions gacutil /i "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCPNet.dll" and the server computer I believe it is in the GAC, so is it not suppose to pick up the latest version. On my computer I tried copy local = false and both locations as in C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP [1] and where the gac installed it in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\WinSCPnet [2], I then upgraded my version to the latest 5.21.2 and repeated both ways of referencing which I believe is referencing by path still as the library does not appear in the .NET references so I have no choice. Even if the version on the server is the same version or not it should still work as in find the latest version if I have copy local = False or is there more to it.
I know the library works as in I took out the code into a console app referenced by path using [1] and it worked so then it must be I am not referencing the GAC version correctly. I was also able to produce the same error when running it locally at first up until the point I placed it in the GAC on my local machine as in it would never reach the first line of code if I placed a break point and it would thru the same error "Target of an Invocation" so then this means I must have configured it correctly or not!
Maybe there is some truth to as my SSIS version is old "Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer, Version 11.0.2100.60"
If you can please advise, thank you.