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Topic review


Re: Wish list wrote:

1. It would be great if subdirectories could be shown in order of the most recent CONTENTS, not the creation date of the subdirectory. I understand that would require WinSCP to scan the contents, but it would do a better job of that than I do.

Thanks for your suggestion. I have added this request to the tracker:
Issue 2119 – Optionally sort directories by last modification of their contents
You can vote for it there.

1a. Failing that, at least they could be alphabetized even if I display files by date changed.

This is tracked already here:
Issue 1024 – Option to always sort directories by name

2. It would be great of Synchronize also synchronized subdirectories.

It does. If it does not work for you, please give us more details. (screenshots, logs)

Wish list

Longtime happy user, but I have a short wishlist. I've seen others make similar requests, so I assume what I want isn't yet possible.
1. It would be great if subdirectories could be shown in order of the most recent CONTENTS, not the creation date of the subdirectory. I understand that would require WinSCP to scan the contents, but it would do a better job of that than I do.
1a. Failing that, at least they could be alphabetized even if I display files by date changed.
2. It would be great of Synchronize also synchronized subdirectories.