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Topic review


Re: Session passwords issue

I'll look into it.

Re: Session passwords issue

Yes, the workspace contains ad-hoc sessions (not initiated from stored site). But since we have an option to save the workspace every time all these sessions get opened but do not get connected without entering the new password as there is no provision to store the new password for all these sessions.
It would be very convenient if option would be provided for saving the session password (1) on the dialog box where access denied error comes wherein new password to be entered and (2) as separate option in preferences or site manager for all sessions inside the workspace.

Re: Session passwords issue

Do I understand right that your workspace contains ad-hoc sessions (not initiated from stored site)?

Session passwords issue

When multiple sessions are present inside a workspace, there is no provision to update these passwords. For individual site, we can however update the password but not for individual sessions inside a workspace. So please provide provision to update these passwords so that we do not need to enter these again & again everyday. Provision could be provided in settings and also when we enter the password while connecting it.