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Script to automate SFTP file download and delete from SFTP

Hi all,
I'm trying to setup a new WinSCP file download process from an SFTP site with a ssh-rsa key. I walked through the process to "Generate Script" but when I look at the script it generated it has 3 specific files listed in the get -delete section as:
get -delete T_100191359_received_10_07_2022_GL.xml
get -delete T40917_60214_10_07_2022_08_43_29_945_PM.xml
get -delete T40917_60214_10_07_2022_08_43_29_972_GL.xml

Works fine obviously the 1st time but files I'm needing to retrieve will always be different names, there could be 1 file, no files or 100 files. Basically I need a wild card or grab everything in the SFTP folder with a .xml extension and download syntax which I can't seem to find.