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Multiple File types in Various Folders

I am trying to learn how to create a few scripts via trial and error, reading, testing, Etc.

The get command seems pretty logical for multiple file types. Nore that the open is working and the get I can works towards what I need to do.
get -delete   *.txt *.log *.doc

Now this is the hard part ... I need to download all the txt, log and doc files - but they exist in various folders. So I need the get to look in all sub folders. The sub folders change names daily as new ones are created. Then I need the leftover files as well as the folders deleted.

So ..

folder1 has a few files some are *.log ... ok download then
folder2 has a few files some are *.txt ... ok download that
then delete folder 1 and 2

folder34 has a few files some are *.exe ... ok do not download those
folder62 has a few files some are *.doc ... ok download that
then delete folder 34 and 62

So the folder names and file names and types change daily ... but all I wat downloaded is that *.txt *.log *.doc files...

I know .. this must be easy if I knew how! :-)[/m]