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Topic review


It turned out that WinSCP indeed does not follow RTL status of the language since 5.8. I do not remember rationale behind that anymore. Possibly because the functionality was not tested for years and the languages that use it are not complete anyway.

Though if you want to try to force the RTL, run WinSCP once like this:
WinSCP.exe /rawconfig Interface\BidiModeOverride=2 Interface\FlipChildrenOverride=2

I'll look into the RTL issue.
If you want the larger icons, start by voting for the request in the tracker.

I hope you will increase the icons size for folders and files.
And hope you will add RTL to the interface like in my screenshot for my Windows Explorer.

WinSCP uses RTL, when you switch it to RTL language (like Hebrew or Farsi). What language are you using?

I am using Arabic.
I test it for Arabic, Hebrew AND Farsi, but still LTR is not changing to RTL.
See attachments.


Re: RTL interface direction and more large icons when using Explorer interface

WinSCP uses RTL, when you switch it to RTL language (like Hebrew or Farsi). What language are you using?

WinSCP follows system scaling. If you set scaling to 200%, WinSCP will display 200% icons. What exactly do you mean by "Windows large icons size"? Can you post a screenshots of what you mean?
I've added this request to the tracker:
Issue 2147 – Larger toolbar icons

RTL interface direction and more large icons when using Explorer interface

can you add option to turn the interface to RTL direction (right to left)!
My language and my PC is RTL, I need RTL interface. (see attachment)

The large icons is smaller than Windows large icons.
Can you make it like Windows large icons size?

I promise I will donate after I get these options (I need them).
If not, I can't use the software.
