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Re: Connection failure while copying at full speed

Frosch wrote:

Is it possible, that SFTP (without SCP-fallback) is more stable? When I use this connection-method, no "connection reset by peer"-errors occur. May it be, that the package-size is smaller oder controlled stricter when using SFTP (in contrast to SCP)?

Well, I would expect it just other way around :-)

Re: Connection failure while copying at full speed

Frosch wrote:

martin wrote:

What is the SSH server? OpenSSH?

Yes, it's OpenSSH (4.1)...

Is it possible, that SFTP (without SCP-fallback) is more stable? When I use this connection-method, no "connection reset by peer"-errors occur. May it be, that the package-size is smaller oder controlled stricter when using SFTP (in contrast to SCP)?


Re: Connection failure while copying at full speed

Can I have test account there?

Re: Connection failure while copying at full speed

martin wrote:

What is the SSH server? OpenSSH?

Yes, it's OpenSSH (4.1)...

Re: Connection failure while copying at full speed

What is the SSH server? OpenSSH?

Connection failure while copying at full speed


first of all I would like to give you some general information about my configuration:

- Win SCP 3.8.1 in Norton Commander Style
- Server Protocoll Version: SSH-2
- Occured Status/Error Code: 1
- Destination Server: Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 with a Suse Linux 9.0 Version

While copying a file(s) larger than 1MB at full transfer-speed from a client to the destination server the process always stops about a volume of transferred data of 1,5MB. By slowing down the tranfer-speed immediately after the start of the transfer there will be no abort. I have already made an update of the NIC-Drivers, without any success. Also disabling the TCP Task Offloading in the registry of the Microsoft Virtual Server machine didn't help, either disabling TCP Segmentation Offloading in the poperties of the NIC did.

I just appreciate any helpful hint for this problem, thanks in advice.