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Re: Execute Bat file from WinSCP

I do not understand the question.
I assume you know what commands to use to compress a file and what commands to use to run WinSCP. Don't you?
Roughly like this: /script=download.txt ...
zip ... /script=upload.txt ...

Re: Execute Bat file from WinSCP

How Martin could I do that?
How to automate open compress bat file from download bat file?

Re: Execute Bat file from WinSCP

No. But you can do it the other way around. Run WinSCP from the batch file:

  1. Download
  2. Compress
  3. Upload

Execute Bat file from WinSCP

Dear Team,

please I need your support. I want to download some files from a server and compress these files then upload it to another server
so, 1- i create a WinSCP script for download files
and 2- bat windows for compress and on the same time upload to another server

So, my question here, is there any method to execute bat Windows file inside WinSCP? To make full process at once.

Best Regards.