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Re: Remote side unexpectedly closed network connection | Proxy / Firewall?

Can you post more verbose FileZilla log file (ideally in English). And screenshots of your FileZilla and WinSCP proxy settings?

Remote side unexpectedly closed network connection | Proxy / Firewall?

Unfortunately I have the following problem when creating a connection to an external SFTP server.

- Remote side unexpectedly closed network connection -

From the attached log data I gather that the connection is separated from the proxy server after 30 seconds, am I interpreting the log correctly?
If I contact the SFTP server via Filezille with the same settings (SFTP + Proxy), a connection is established, see log.

I can reproduce the behavior with a second external SFTP server, so I assume that the problem is not with the SFTP server but with the proxy or the firewall.

Does anyone have a tip for me where I can look there?