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Topic review


Is it only the "SiteJA" that does not work? Do other sites work? Did you compare the permissions and ownership between the working and non-working sites? Is there anything special in the .htaccess file of your or other sites?

In any case, you better talk to your server administrator. This is not really a WinSCP problem.

@MisterH: I've tried to do that but it doesn't work.

The site is located in SiteJA.
Can you please try to explain me?
Mister H

403 is a file permissions issue. Most likely you will need to verify the permissions on your files/directories especially the default/index file (also check .htaccess for apache) and make sure everyone (or at least the user account the web server uses for anonymous access) has read permission.

403 Forbidden

Hello, I'm a student who tool the site project of some people but due to a mishadling I deleted the folder where the site was stored on the server. I upload it again because I have had a backup on local but know when I go to the site web adress I'm seeing 403 Forbidden even if it's the same file that I had deleted.
Can you please tell me what to do ?