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Topic review

Glitched Polygons

I made a short demo video on how to set up a server, quick and dirty, and then how to hook it up with DirSyncSFTP

(written instructions are inside YT's closed captions)
Glitched Polygons

Re: I created a GUI that behaves like Dropbox and uses WinSCP as its synchronization backend

martin wrote:

Nice! Thanks.

You're welcome, I'm glad to help :)

Re: I created a GUI that behaves like Dropbox and uses WinSCP as its synchronization backend

Nice! Thanks.
Glitched Polygons

I created a GUI that behaves like Dropbox and uses WinSCP as its synchronization backend

Hi, you WinSCP veterans out there :D

I recently stumbled upon this awesome software (yeah I know, kinda late to the game LOL) and donated some money.

Awesome work!

Immediately after discovering WinSCP, I wanted to replace my crappy unstable Nextcloud instance with it, because this is better and simpler in every way.

At first, I just periodically ran the Two-Way Sync with Deletion extension ( But that felt like a chore for setting up the automation after the third time or so.

Then I got ill over the time span of a few days: perfect to develop a wrapper GUI around this.

I punched together a very lean and mean GUI that hooks into the WinSCP PowerShell scripting interface and keeps one or more directories in sync with an SFTP server.

It's still VERY basic, extremely raw and only supports SFTP so far (no other protocols) but it already solves my problem and after 24h of testing it, it seems to be doing its job. Only time will tell though: a tool like this requires extremely thorough testing!

It's Sunday evening and I ran out of time, so if anybody wants to implement more features or improve anything: I'm very open for pull requests ;)

Please let me know what you think of this and if this is something that you seasoned WinSCP users (or anybody who stumbles upon this forum thread) would want. I certainly wanted it enough ;D

It's GPL-3.0 licensed and completely open sauce:

Remember that this projects is still very young: if you're gonna test this out, please backup your data separately too. You never know.

Cheers, and take care everyone :)

- Raphael Beck