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Re: Keyboard-interactive authentication failed message in log file. Cannot sign on.

OK, As I checked the password for hundred times.... the username had a none capitol l in the .NET application. After changing to L .... the authentication ended up successfull....

To bad from me :(

Regards from the Netherlands.

Re: Keyboard-interactive authentication failed message in log file. Cannot sign on.

I do not see any difference in your highly redacted logs.
Are you connecting from the same machine in both cases?
I suggest you enable password logging even in the GUI and compare the logs to check, if the same username and password is really used in both cases.

Keyboard-interactive authentication failed message in log file. Cannot sign on.

Hello, I'm still struggling with this keyboard-interactive failed error connecting via .NET assembly. Connecting via client goes well. I uploaded detail log for client as .NET.

The password does not have special characters.

I've have really no idea what to do, or setting, or ... :(