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Re: Client side file encryption for S3 servers like Amazon & Backblaze missing?

WinSCP does not support S3 file encryption.

I have added this request to the tracker:
Issue 2170 – Support S3 server-side file encryption
You can vote for it there.

Client side file encryption for S3 servers like Amazon & Backblaze missing?


I read on the Internet that the software supports file encryption for SFTP protocol. I'm not using SFTP.

I'm connected to Backblaze B2 via the Backblaze instructions to use the Amazon config choice when configuring a new session. So, I'm not using SFTP.

Here are the instructions I followed to get Backblaze to work.

I can back up my data fine, only the files transferred to the server are unencrypted.

I've scoured the software for where to configure encryption, only I failed to find it.

Does the software really have the ability to encrypt the files? If so, where do I configure it for the current session?

Thank you.