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Topic review



The MSI works very good!
It works with Intune.

This poor guy

This poor guy having to make some kind of sense out of why a piece of widely used software like this doesn't have an .msi available..... smh so sad

MSI Installer

Yes, I also need an .msi installer, cant deploy this software with MDT without one, same thing with SCCM or any other automatic Windows iso imager. EXE does not work

Vote for MSI

Hi Guys,
Yes, a .msi would be fantastic for SCCM deployment/Software Center, which is the only way users/techs can install software in our environment.

Re: MSI Installer

@tom041098: Thanks for detailing your use case. Taken into consideration.

MSI Installer

Another Vote for this.

I work for a global company that uses this application. It's safe to say that I deploy thousands of different (both internally developed and 3rd party) apps to devices all over the world. To do this, most large businesses across the globe use Intune (Endpoint Manager).

When deploying an app via Intune, if it is an exe, you have to spend a stupid amount of time installing it manually on your PC to find the install location and the uninstall location, figuring out any switches, then using a silly old tool to 'package' the exe into a .intunewin format.
Then you upload that .intunewin package to Intune, go through the process of adding all of the above information into the wizard before you can finally test it.
For every update you have to repeat the above process.

With a .MSI file, I go to Intune, I upload the MSI, I then test it.
For every update, I just upload the new MSI and click save.
This is how much of a workload difference having an MSI for an application is.

More and more applications are moving their enterprise application to MSI because of the time it saves the customer.
If I've got 50 exe apps to update, that's easily a morning gone if not a day.
If I've got 50 msi apps to update, I just need half an hour at most.

Fingers crossed you guys are able to do it!
Patrick M

Re: WinSCP &msi

martin wrote:

Isn't MSI being phased out these days?

No. If anything Microsoft is starting to phased out the use of EXE files as installers...

I'd also like to request an MSI installer as EXE is considered legacy with Microsoft at this point when using modern computer management through Microsoft Endpoint Manager (Intune).

Not really taking this request seriously I guess...

An MSI is still a core part of PCLM with SCCM and various MDM platforms. Not having it is pretty poor and, let's be honest I reckon you could figure it out in 15 years...

I need msi too...

Re: WinSCP &msi

@martin: no.

Re: WinSCP &msi

@oloco: Isn't MSI being phased out these days?

WinSCP &msi

Do you guys need some help in order to prepare an msi installer for your app?

Re: How much effort would there be to make the MSI installer ?

Bigbird wrote:

Is there a big issues in making the installer MSI, since it is not being considered ?

We have no experience with MSI, so we cannot really answer that.

How much effort would there be to make the MSI installer ?

You have a great software, and many wants it.
Is there a big issues in making the installer MSI, since it is not being considered ?

Your vote is taken into consideration.

Would be nice to have a MSI for automatic deployment.

@anon2: We have no plans for that atm, sorry.

so it's been asked since 2006, I guess it's safe to say, that msi installer is not coming?

MSI installer for WinSCP?

Hello WinSCP,

Do you have an MSI installer for WinSCP?

Thank You,