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Re: Set GID doesnt work

martin wrote:

What's your server?



Re: Set GID doesnt work

martin wrote:

After some debugging, I've realized, what I have already forgot. OpenSSH SFTP server simply ignores the requests to turn on "Set GID", "Set UID" and "Sticky bit" flags. I guess you are using OpenSSH, do you? With OpenSSH it works in SCP mode only. My previous information that setting the permissions while creating new folder works was wrong. Sorry for that.

You are so right: Using SCP works!

Thank you for that information!

Greets, m

Re: Set GID doesnt work

After some debugging, I've realized, what I have already forgot. OpenSSH SFTP server simply ignores the requests to turn on "Set GID", "Set UID" and "Sticky bit" flags. I guess you are using OpenSSH, do you? With OpenSSH it works in SCP mode only. My previous information that setting the permissions while creating new folder works was wrong. Sorry for that.

Re: Set GID doesnt work

What's your server?

Re: Set GID doesnt work

martin wrote:

Now I can reproduce that. Thanks. Note that if you use 3.8.1 ability to set permissions of new folder on its creation, the set GID works. If it helps you meanwhile.

... yes, I read that you are able to reproduce it... silly question, true! But for me, version 3.8.1. does not work (like it seems to work for you).

Any Idea? Debugging-possibility?


Re: Set GID doesnt work

m wrote:

Noone is able to reproduce this error?

I'm :-)

Re: Set GID doesnt work

Noone is able to reproduce this error?

Is there really no way to enable debugging/logging?


Re: Set GID doesnt work

martin wrote:

Not I can reproduce that. Thanks. Note that if you use 3.8.1 ability to set permissions of new folder on its creation, the set GID works. If it helps you meanwhile.

You are right, my fault: I should have installed the current version first. But now, I did and it behaves still in the old way:

Creating a new dir, setting the permissions to 2775 results in 0775. Changing permissions afterwards: Same thing!

Is there a way to get some debugging information?

Best regards,

Re: Set GID doesnt work

Now I can reproduce that. Thanks. Note that if you use 3.8.1 ability to set permissions of new folder on its creation, the set GID works. If it helps you meanwhile.

Re: Set GID doesnt work

m wrote:

martin wrote:

What does not work? Any error message?


I've the same problem --> No error message, everything looks good but nothing happens. It just does not set the GID nor UID.


Hi again!

To be a bit more clear:
1.) Create a new directory NewDir
2.) Goto Properties of NewDir
3.) Set 2775 (in any combination: With/Without "Add X to directories", With/Without "Set group, owner and permissions recursively") and apply
4.) Check permissions: Everything will be set but the GID :-(

I hope that is enough information to reconstruct the problem.


Re: Set GID doesnt work

martin wrote:

What does not work? Any error message?


I've the same problem --> No error message, everything looks good but nothing happens. It just does not set the GID nor UID.


Re: Set GID doesnt work

What does not work? Any error message?

Set GID doesnt work


I try to add the Set GID option in the Transfert/Upload Options/Set Permissions
but when I upload file, it doesnt work.

It does the same think if I whant to set the GID for a existing file or a directory.
And it does the same thing for Set UID and stiky bit.
