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Topic review


Good call, I restarted my router and everythings working. Unfortunately now I just upgraded Skype and thats not working :(

Re: Upgraded to 3.8.1 - now cannot connect to any host

I would suspect some local firewall that checks checksum of the exeutable, thus does not allow the new version to connect.

Re: Upgraded to 3.8.1 - now cannot connect to any host

- oops just to add:

When I caonnect it says 'Searching for host...' and then I get a Connection Timed Out box.

Upgraded to 3.8.1 - now cannot connect to any host

Hi, I upgraded from 3.8.0 to 3.8.1 and now I cant connect to any host with any settings, I cant connect to the server I had saved in 3.8.0 (and was using 5 mins earlier) and I've tried re-adding it as a new Stored Session. I haven't changed anything else since upgrading and the server is definitely not down.

I upgraded to fix the keep-remote-dir-up-to-date feature so id like to get this working rather than go back to 380. Any ideas?