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More information:
Communication begins by FTP name, but later switches to interaction by IP address.

Thanks for sharing you findings.

I found an issue. My FTP is behind a proxy. On my side I have 2 routes to that and by some reasons, WinSCP used 2 ways in parallel. After assigning WinSCP process to one route only – all works!

I do not see "425 Unable to build data connection: EINVAL - Invalid argument passed" in the server's log. Can you post matching WinSCP and server logs?

Thanks for replying.
WinSCP version updated to the latest 5.21.8 and server version updated to the latest 1.6.7

Server logs in attached.

Re: Error listing directory '/'

Can you try upgrading your FileZilla FTP server to the latest version?
If that does not help, please post Total Commander log for comparison.

Error listing directory '/'

For the long period all was fine. Some time ago all my connectivity attempts starts failing with
Error listening directory '/'
Could not retrieve directory listening
Unable to build data connection: EINVAL - Invalid argument passed.

As I know - no updates on FTP side. Total Commander is working fine.
Logs in attached.
My OS:
Edition Windows 11 Pro
Version 22H2
OS build 22621.1485
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22639.1000.0