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Re: winscp for synchronize

win wrote:

1. i would like to connect via cmd to my server. now i prefer a private/public key. i dont want to write my passwort anywhere. when i connect normally with the GUI, winscp connect with the private/public key correctly without type a passwort. When i try with cmd it cannot connect with the keys. (Keyboard interactive)
I give my private key with the option /privatekey=mykey.ppk in the command. Is this correct?

That's one way. The other is to preconfigure a stored session with the key.

2. I want to synchronize a directory. For example the C:\
Can i make some excludes? (When i dont want to copy the directory WINNT and Programs)

option exclude <mask>. See "help option".

3. Is there anywhere an example script for synchronisation with windows schedule?

Example for what?

winscp for synchronize


i have tested the winscp for synchronization. now i have more problems, that i cant find in the documentation.

1. i would like to connect via cmd to my server. now i prefer a private/public key. i dont want to write my passwort anywhere. when i connect normally with the GUI, winscp connect with the private/public key correctly without type a passwort. When i try with cmd it cannot connect with the keys. (Keyboard interactive)
I give my private key with the option /privatekey=mykey.ppk in the command. Is this correct?

2. I want to synchronize a directory. For example the C:\
Can i make some excludes? (When i dont want to copy the directory WINNT and Programs)

3. Is there anywhere an example script for synchronisation with windows schedule? (I would use the ini File for configuration and windows schedule to synchronize the specified pathes (includes) - i think this is in my script) or can i make include- and exclude-configuration files for synchronizing?

Thanks for your response...