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Topic review

amarc (original)

Re: Files modification time

I switched from SCP to SFTP, all regarding timestamps work fine. But in SCP no way.

Good day

Re: Files modification time

Please read documentation.
amarc (original)

Files modification time

I have a little problem concerning file modification time.
At this moment I use WinSCP 3.82.

When the option 'Server adjust DST' is set, a file modification time shown in WinSCP is changed after it is copied to the server, since if looking from server the time is ok.
Eg.: file C:\TMP\Text.txt is created at 14:25, after it is copied to host:/home/myfolder/Text.txt, WinSCP shows its time as 15:25, since after logging to host with eg. PuTTY the file has 14:25 time.

When the option 'Server works in UTC time (adjust DST locally)' is set, the time of a file shown by WinSCP is ok, but the server shows it is shiffted backwards.
Eg.: file C:\TMP\Text.txt is created at 14:25, after it is copied to host:/home/myfolder/Text.txt, WinSCP shows its time as 14:25, since after logging to host with eg. PuTTY the file has 13:25 time.

It is possible to correct this issue ?