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Topic review


It's sorry, but SCP.
My remote host doesn't support SFTP

What protocol are you using SCP or SFTP? With SFTP you can interrupt the reading with Esc key.

Yes, i see it. Bun unfortunately it works very poor.
On my 2000 files directories it stoped at 500 and on 40000 one it stoped on 2750 :(

Moreover it seems can not be interrupted :( I mean scaning...

Re: Reading remote directories with heap of files

Number of already read files should be displayed on WinSCP task bar button.

Reading remote directories with heap of files

Hi guys!
Would You think of realization a some progress counting, while reading remote directory's content?
For example i have two remote directory with 2000 and over 40000 files...

Thank You in advance!