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Topic review


Hello, thank you for your prompt answer and the immediate fix of the problem. WinSCP is a really fine and very useful piece of software.

Yours, Hermann J. Eckl

Re: WinSCP 3.82 - german language file

Thanks for letting me know. Fixed "multilanguage installation file" was released. Please reinstall.

WinSCP 3.82 - german language file

Hello, thank you for the new version 3.82. Everything seems to worlk fine, I am just experiencing a small bug apparently in the german language file '':

When I open WinSCP in "Norton Commander"-mode, the column headers of the two explorer windows have senseless labels (instead of "Name, Größe, Typ..." it has "Filesystem Operation, V:*?,...).

Surely this can easily be fixed. I looked into the '', but the file format made it quite difficult to find the problem strings.

Yours, Hermann J. Eckl