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Re: Notepad++ error

potam wrote:

After 2 days searching I found that it was ZoneAlarm's fault. It is a major bug with no solution. I will change firewall.

I have had ZoneAlarm installed and used it successfully with WinSCP and Notepad++. I don't think your problem is ZA and even if it is you should be able to tweak the settings as opposed to throwing out the firewall.

Oddly my setup stopped working and I have yet to get it working again. It all went to crap (file saving no longer uploads saved version) when I updated my versions of WinSCP and Notepad++. I just installed PSPad and now it uploads upon save. I suspect it's a setting that I tweaked in Notepad++ when I first installed it but I can't remember what. Hope someone can help. I like some features of N++ but PSPad isn't bad so far. Thanks.

Re: Notepad++ error

After 2 days searching I found that it was ZoneAlarm's fault. It is a major bug with no solution. I will change firewall.

Notepad++ error

I am using WinSCP with Notepad++. I tried everything I read in the FAQ and the forum.
Operation to perform on double-click is Edit. I checked external editor opens multiple files in one window.
When I doubleclick a file, it transfers to the TEMP directory. When I save the file, it saves in the TEMP directory, but doesn't upload the file. The internal editor is ok, but I need Notepad++'s features.
WinSCP version is 3.8.1, Notepad++ version is 3.7