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Having problems setting the /keepuptodate function witin the GUI to set to 5 seconds

Basically I am trying to have a local folder scanned for new/changed files and then uploaded automatically to an external folder on another SFTP server. I have all the needed information external credentials, port, etc for the external server and connect to it through WinSCP with no issue. I would like to set this to check every 5 seconds and found the /keepuptodate reference on the forums. But I can't seem to find if there is a way within the GUI to set this up. My end goal is to set this up to move the new .XML files to the external folder or copy and delete them from the local folder AFTER they have been successfully copied over. I have been working this all day. I originally tried scripting with the but my coding skills are not the best so I reverted to the GUI. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am using the lateset version of WinSCP on a Windows 2019 server. I have attached my settings capture.
