Re: WinSCP for Linux
Lets create donating group to port this WinSCP to linux
[Desktop Entry]
Version = 1.0
Encoding = UTF-8
Name = WinSCP
Type = Application
Exec = wine / folder path winscp / WinSCP.exe
Terminal = false
Icon = // folder path winscp / icon.png
Comment = WinSCP
Categories = Applications;
StartupNotify = true
To run WinSCP under Linux (Ubuntu 12.04), follow these steps:
1) sudo apt-get install wine (run this one time only, to get 'wine' in your system, if you haven't it)
2) download "Portable executable" from
3) make a folder and put the content of zip file in this folder
4) open a terminal
5) type "sudo su"
6) type "wine WinSCP.exe"
Done! WinSCP will run like in Windows environment!
Best regards.
I get this error message from the terminal when doing this:
Wine: cannot find L"C\\windows\\system32\\WinSCP.exe
There has to be a simple trick to overcopme this...?
Any help will be apreciated.
To run WinSCP under Linux (Ubuntu 12.04), follow these steps:
1) sudo apt-get install wine (run this one time only, to get 'wine' in your system, if you haven't it)
2) download "Portable executable" from
3) make a folder and put the content of zip file in this folder
4) open a terminal
5) type "sudo su"
6) type "wine WinSCP.exe"
Done! WinSCP will run like in Windows environment!
Best regards.
I agree that WinSCP is wonderful and does work under WINE.
In Linux I use Krusader which works great
File association does not work on Wine in Ubuntu :cry:
PHPStorm install in Ubuntu, WinScp in Wine, error
<invalid links removed>
in the address bar. ENJOY!
, right click on WinSCP.exe
SCRIPT>RUN>GUI App-as root. And is running. I didn't mentioned that I have Wine on my pc
Host mymachinealias
Port 9022
HostKeyAlias mymachinealias
or sftp://ip_address