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Topic review


Re: 1.5.0 doesn't show all previously saved sessions

The old sessions should be still there. They are not deleted. Just remove the slashes.

Re: 1.5.0 doesn't show all previously saved sessions

martin wrote:

Yes, sessions with slash are ignored.

Where can I find the old sessions in the registry, they are lost?
Under HKEY_USERS\SID\Software\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\Sessions I only have the new ones.

Can I convert the old ones?



Re: 1.5.0 doesn't show all previously saved sessions

Yes, sessions with slash are ignored.

1.5.0 doesn't show all previously saved sessions

A bug or a feature that I noticed with 1.5.0 is that it did not show all my sessions that were saved with the previous version - what I found is that if a session had a name like user@server/path (in the registry) then 1.5.0 would not show it. When I removed the /path section from the name it fixed the problem.