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Re: WinSCP cannot connect to SFTP server

martin wrote:

You have started an FTP server on an SSH/SFTP port 22. If that's what you really wanted to do (although it's wrong/confusing), you have to use FTP in WinSCP too. Just force WinSCP to use port 22.

Had the same problem and this solved my issue thanks. Was trying to connect to an "SFTP" server that happened to be an FTP server over FTP using SSH.

Re: WinSCP cannot connect to SFTP server

@Ali: What part of my answer is not clear? What exactly did you try? What are you trying to achieve? Did you also start an FTP server on an SFTP port 22? Why?

Re: WinSCP cannot connect to SFTP server

@martin: No idea how to follow your directions very confusing English.

Re: WinSCP cannot connect to SFTP server

IIS does not support SFTP. You have started an FTP server on an SSH/SFTP port 22. If that's what you really wanted to do (although it's wrong/confusing), you have to use FTP in WinSCP too. Just force WinSCP to use port 22. WinSCP will switch to SFTP, if you change port to 22. So you will have to first change protocol to FTP, then change port to 22 and then again change protocol to FTP.

WinSCP cannot connect to SFTP server

I have just set up a new SFTP Site on our FTP server which is a Windows 2016 DataCenter server running IIS 10.

I can successfully connect to the server using the DOS ftp command utility (See attached screen shot)

When I try to connect using WinSCP, a connection is never made.

It goes
Searching for host...
Connecting to host...

And then responses with
Host is not communicating for more than 15 seconds. Still waiting...

Any idea why WinSCP wont connect??
