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Why access denied?

Dear members, please help me with the following:
I want to transfer files from my Raspberi Pi ( my Windows PC, W11.
Unfortunately, that doesn't work, although I am absolutely sure that I have entered the correct username and password for my Raspberry Pi.
Yet I get the message: access denied and I don't understand it.
I just can't figure out why the transfer isn't working. I have also turned off my VPN and virus protector, but that doesn't help.
I successfully pinged on the command line, so the raspberri is listening!
I hope one of you can give me the solution, it would help me a lot.
Perhaps the log file provides more clarity?
Best regards,

Cannot Post a Question

I'd really like to post a new question to this forum. But where do I do this? The closest I've found is responding to an existing topic, but not starting a new one.

What I really wanted to ask on the forum (and I may as well ask it here: you never know), what I wanted to ask on the forum was why my Upload button has suddenly disappeared and is now replaced by a button which says "Copy" (see second screenshot also attached - the button on the far left and below used to be called "Upload" ),

And if you click on that there is another option for it to say "Move". Both of these functions are useless, of course, because I need to be able to upload files using FTP, which is what this FTP client is for (although I see that it has some other functions as well).

So basically the Upload button has disappeared. Does anyone know how to get it back?


Do you click "Submit" and nothing happens?

I guess that you write a comment and when you click "Submit" nothing happens. Is that correct?
If this is the case, and you are in China, I surmise that the Google's ReCaptcha, which is necessary for submitting a question/comment, does not work since Google is frequently blocked in your country.