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Topic review


for a portable version of putty google for portaPutty . works great...

Re: Portable WinSCP/PuTTY

Thank you for the guide. WinSCP is nice. :)

Does PuTTY have a similar mode for the putty.rnd?

Re: Portable WinSCP/PuTTY

Please follow here.

Re: Portable WinSCP/PuTTY

martin wrote:

I'll try to assemble some manual for that.

Wow. Thanks. That would be fantastic.

Re: Portable WinSCP/PuTTY

I'll try to assemble some manual for that.

Portable WinSCP/PuTTY

I want to know a way to make WinSCP and PuTTY completely and totally portable...i.e. creating ZERO files on the local computer, and only in the folder I place them in on a USB key, including relative paths instead of full paths in the WinSCP ini file. Also, all of the .rnd files need to stop being created in documents and settings, recognized host hashes, etc...

Thank you ahead of time.