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Re: Can WinSCP be used as complete enterprise-grade SFTP server solution?

There's no API in SFTP protocol to manage remote users. So WinSCP cannot do it.

Can WinSCP be used as complete enterprise-grade SFTP server solution?

Hello All,

Where I am employed, we have a commercial 'Enterprise SFTP software solution' and we ALSO use WinSCP for specific automated SFTP activities.

Our enterprise SFTP solution provides functionality such as ability to manage user accounts and their permissions and functionality, configuration of Virtual Roots, configuration of connection rules (i.e. which IPs, hostnames are allowed to participate in SFTP connections), configuration relating to SSH authentication and the various cryptographic algorithms supported, etc.

A colleague of mine recently asked - could we do away with our enterprise SFTP solution in FAVOUR of WinSCP handling all of our SFTP server needs. I told him I hadn't given that much thought and wasn't sure.

Can anyone advise whether WinSCP can provide the sort of 'server' side functionality of the type I've listed above?