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Topic review


It is most probably that your server report files in non-UTF-8 encoding. Can you mail me a log file at debug 2 log level?

The above-described behavior occurs with 'Server supports UTF-8' set to on. If I set it to off, I don't even see the files - I get an "error with directory listing" message.


<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

Also seeing this same phenomenon, connecting to OpenSSH server on a Debian 3.1 machine. The files I'm accessing are on a mounted SMB share from a 3rd machine. The third machine is a plain-vanilla XP, and the mount options are

Re: Hebrew filename display as gibberish

What is your SSH/SFTP server? OpenSSH?

Also see FAQ.

Hebrew filename display as gibberish

Hebrew filenames displays like the following line
׳”׳ž׳›׳×׳‘׳” ׳”׳•׳™׳¨׳˜׳•׳׳œ׳™׳×

The linux box is setup with Hebrew support. PuTTY's SSH session to that box shows valid filenames when running ls.
How can I fix this?