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Thank you for reply me.

The web page is not under my control.
I will try something to do it, thank you

Re: I want to change the default download path when I click an FTP URL

The session name has to match whole URL part between the slashes.

Another option is to encode the local path to the URL:

Re: I want to change the default download path when I click an FTP URL

Thank you. I think I can understand why you don't like this Feature Requests.

When I open a webpage and click a URL(like ftp://user:pass@,
I change the path to Desktop, and then I click another URL (like ftp://user:pass@,
The default download path is still the Document path.

I also create a stored site named (so as user and pass), and change its local path to Desktop. It doesn't work. The default download path is still the Document path.

Re: I want to change the default download path when I click an FTP URL

The default download path is the last used local directory for the session.

If you create a stored site with same name as your URL, WinSCP should pick the download path from it.

I do not think I like the idea of skipping the download dialog and starting the download without any user intervention.

I want to change the default download path when I click an FTP URL

So that I need not click the dialog every time.

Thank you.