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Topic review


WinSCP applog commandline

Hello Martin,

Have sent you an email the log file that you requested.
Seems like there is a TLS failure.

Tried to copy the certificate into a crt file and then import it into the Trusted Root Certification Authorities but the problem still persists.

Best regards,

@steliosh: I'm sending you an email to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Is there any update on why Windows 10 workstation on a corporate network with proxy enabled can not get WinSCP to update to the latest version?

Best regards,

Update was not working with previous version as well

No same issue was with previous version as well…

Re: Error checking for application updates

@steliosh: Do you mean the problem is new in 6.1? If you downgrade, does it go away?

Error checking for application updates


I have upgraded to the latest version 6.1 build 13674 on Windows 10 22H2 on a corporate network with proxy enabled.

When triggering the option to check for updates I get the following dialogue box
Error checking for application updates

Certificate not trusted
Error:80092012 Chain index: 0, Element Index: 0
Server certificate verification failed: issuer not trusted

Best regards,

Check for updates

Certificate not trusted.
Error: 80092013, Chain index: 0, Element index: 0
Server certificate verification failed: issuer is not trusted

We disabled SSL inspection for the site on our firewall, and the check update function completes successfully.

@martin: Created an account, got your email, sending you some details shortly.

Re: Check for Updates fails with error 80092013

Are you all getting the exactly same error message? Including the Error: 80092013?

Do you have some 3rd party firewall or other security solution?

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

same error

Recently install same versión on two differents Windows 7 computers, on 64 bits doesn't works but on 32 bits works fine.

Re: Check for Updates fails with error 80092013

@shaun.merrill: I have the same issue.

Re: Check for Updates fails with error 80092013

@shaun.merrill: I have the same issue

Re: Check for Updates fails with error 80092013

Thanks. We will take a look.

Check for Updates fails with error 80092013

Version 5.9 (Build 6786)

Choose Help > Check for Updates from the menu.

Certificate not trusted.
Error: 80092013, Chain index: 0, Element index: 0
Server certificate verification failed: issuer is not trusted