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Once again, is it a client certificate or a server certificate? What do you mean by "identification parameter". What do you mean by "can't find my file"? Maybe a screenshot might help to explain your troubles.

I tried to use Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2. I installed it in the base folder (where Windows showed me) but it didn't help. Later I found the option to add a certificate file in an advanced option (TLS/SSL) called identification parameter, but WinSCP can't find my file.
The file type is .crt.

Re: PROBLEM with certificat Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority – G2

Do you mean "Client certificate"? What protocol are you trying to use it with? What exactly do you mean by "can't add"?

PROBLEM with certificat Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority – G2

Hello, I can't use Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2 in a new WinSCP session. How can I do this? When I click on advanced (when creating a new session) after selecting TLS/SSL I can't add the certificate.