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Topic review


Yes, you are right, sorry. I think I got confused because I looked at the versions of WinSCP.exe (having enabled File version and Product version columns in Windows Explorer).

Forget about this post!


Re: Version of .NET 4.0 assembly

Not sure what you mean by .NET 6 version.
There are .NET Framework 4.0 and .NET Standard 2.0 versions.
In the current WinSCP 6.1.1 release, both have version 1.14 and product version 6.1.1.
If you see any other numbers, please post some evidence (e.g. a screenshot).

Version of .NET 4.0 assembly


just noticed that the .NET6 version of the assembly has a version of 6.1.1, while the .NET4 version has a version of, and just declares a AssemblyInformationalVersion("") attribute. Is this difference in versioning intentional? It irritated me slightly ;-).
I used the NuGet package.

Bet regards
