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Re: To automate tasks using WinSCP with BATCH file.

That means you are trying to run WinSCP command[s] directly on Windows console (or in a batch file), instead of putting them to WinSCP script and running WinSCP from console/batch file.

You might be having this or similar problem:

To automate tasks using WinSCP with BATCH file.


For example, here is a command to open a session:
open -hostkey=""

First error:
"open" n'est pas reconnu en tant commande interne ou externe.

I think that is not a geed declaration.

To automate tasks using WinSCP with BATCH file.

Hi everyone,

I am a new user on WinSCP. I don't know how automate WinSCP tasks in order to retrieve a file in FTP. It seems there are three steps:

  1. To log in;
  2. To retrieve a file in FTP.
  3. To log out.

Of course, there are several pages where it explains different WinSCP commands. I built different scripts, it doesn't work.
Batch files often tell me get command or another doesn't exist.

For information, I am under Windows11.

Thank you for your help.