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Topic review


Re: Certificate not trusted for every single file (S3)

Amazing thank you for the update

Re: Certificate not trusted for every single file (S3)

A beta version will be released in few weeks.

Re: Certificate not trusted for every single file (S3)

Saw that a fix had been implemented for this in 6.2, is there an estimated release date for it?

Certificate not trusted for every single file (S3)


When doing anything with my files in a S3 storage, I get a "Certificate not trusted" warning EVERY single time, for every single file. Clicking "Yes" does not seem to save my preference. I have logged the session, but do not feel comfortable posting the log publicly, since I don't know how much sensitive information I could potentially leak :D.*

Edit: I just skimmed through the logs, doesn't seem like there is anything relevant, so I added the log file.

Have a great day!