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Re: Which command WinSCP uses to set times?

It's the remote scp process/command that sets the timestamps.

Btw, you can turn off "Preserve timestamps" even with synchronization, if you remove "Modification time" from comparison criteria.

Which command WinSCP uses to set times?

I'm trying to get rid of the following error dialog while performing the Synchronize command:
scp: <filename>: set times: Operation not permitted

Since I'm not the owner of the files (but still have group write permissions), I've added the CAP_FOWNER capability to the touch executable in other to fix the set time permission issue. It works as expected, meaning I can change the timestamps using the touch command like this:
touch -a -m -t "[[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.ss]" <filename>

But, unfortunately, WinSCP seems to be not using the touch command to 'set times' because the annoying error still persists. Is there any config that I can change in order to force WinSCP to use the touch command (in Linux remotes, of course)? Any ideas/workarounds?


PS.: Although I've previously removed the "Preserve timestamp" setting, we all know that this flag is imposed throughout the sync process.