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Re: WinSCP sometime fails to run on azure web app

How often is "sometime"?

WinSCP sometime fails to run on azure web app

We have some jobs using WinSCP to transfer files from SFTP (

  • The connectivity between App Service & the on-perm SFTP server is Okay.
  • Most of the time the job succeeds, the files are synced, and log files written as well.
  • We also have upgraded the latest version of WinSCP 6.1.2

But sometime, the job failures, because it trying to open the session at
aWinSCP.Session.Open(SessionOptions sessionOptions)

With error:
WinSCP process terminated with exit code -1073741502 (C0000142). There was no output. Response log file C:\local\Temp\wscp19B8.026078A7.tmp was not created. This could indicate lack of write permissions to the log folder or problems starting WinSCP itself.. at WinSCP.Session.Open(SessionOptions sessionOptions) at Abc.Commerce.Integrated.Ftp.FileSFtpService.ListDirectoryFilesByPattern(FileTransferConfiguration config) in D:\AzureDevops\vsts-agent-win-x64-2.202.1_04\_work\193\s\Abc.Commerce.Integrated\Ftp\FileSFtpService.cs:line 77 at Abc.AOne.B2BPortal.Features.OrderStatusDetails.Service.NewZealand.OrderOutboundToJDEService.DownloadFiles(Exception& exception) in D:\AzureDevops\vsts-agent-win-x64-2.202.1_04\_work\193\s\Abc.One.B2BPortal\Features\OrderStatusDetails\Services\NewZealand\OrderOutboundToJDEService.cs:line 822