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Re: WinSCP doesn’t take Windows registry session configuration

Good. Thanks for your feedback.

Re: WinSCP doesn’t take Windows registry session configuration

Thanks Martin, I got 6.1.2 installed and I am able to import sessions through registry without issue.

Thanks again for your assistance,
Best Regards,

Re: WinSCP doesn’t take Windows registry session configuration

Thanks Martin for the quick response, I will test it further once my company approve the new version v6.1.2.


Re: WinSCP doesn’t take Windows registry session configuration

I've imported the TEST_DEV_01.reg.txt (after deleting whole WinSCP 2 registry key). And I can see the session without any problem after running the latest WinSCP 6.1.2 (tested WinSCP 6.1 too). See the attached screenshot.

Are you testing 6.1 and 5.21 on the same machine? Isn't the problem about other registry keys that somehow clash with the imported session, rather than about WinSCP version?

Re: WinSCP doesn’t take Windows registry session configuration

Thanks Martin, please see attached Registry template and session registry config created based on the template, I renamed it to *.reg.txt because this forum is not allowing me to attached *.reg directly, but you can rename it to *.reg and you can view and edit *.reg from notepad.


Re: WinSCP doesn’t take Windows registry session configuration

Thanks. I'm not able to extract the .reg files from the Word document. Word blocks them. Can you please attach them separately?

Re: WinSCP doesn’t take Windows registry session configuration

Hi Martin,
Please see the attachment on how I import session configuration through windows registry, it works fine with v5.21.7 but not working for v6.1, the problem is v5.21.7 has another issue which is it cannot take the tunnel password in command line, and you have fixed it on v6.1 or above I believe, so if you can fix this issue on v6.1 or above then it will be perfect.

Thank you very much,

Re: WinSCP doesn’t take Windows registry session configuration

I'm sorry, I do not understand what you mean by "it just shows the main folder, no subfolder and session displayed". Maybe some screenshot would help to make it clear. Do you mean that session tree on the Login dialog is empty after the import? How do you import? What do you import exactly?

WinSCP doesn’t take Windows registry session configuration

Hi Martin,

I found an issue with 6.1 which is it does not take the session from Windows registry, when I import a session into registry, on WinSCP when I click New Session it just shows the main folder, no subfolder and session displayed, can you please fix this issue? I need automatically import bunch of sessions from windows registry through automation.

Thank you very much,
