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Yes it is possible. I'm not going to give any more details, as it is pointless with so little information you have provided.

Thank you for the reply. I'm sorry, but I cannot answer what it's for or how it will be used. It's not about suggesting an alternative solution on my end, but I'd like to know if it's possible to install and use multiple versions of WinSCP on a single Windows Server OS, as originally posted.

Re: Inquiry Regarding Coexistence of Multiple WinSCP Versions on a Single Windows Server OS

What for? How would you use the multiple versions?

Inquiry Regarding Coexistence of Multiple WinSCP Versions on a Single Windows Server OS

I would like to know if it is possible to coexist and use different versions of WinSCP on a single Windows Server OS. I already have an existing installation of WinSCP in use, but can I install another version of WinSCP in a separate directory and use it alongside the existing one?
Your guidance is much appreciated. Thank you.